AMD Ryzen 9 3900X
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AMD Ryzen 9 3900X

AMD Ryzen 9 3900X

该评论显示了 AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 处理器,该处理器于 Q3/2019 发布。 以下是 AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 在基准测试中的所有技术规格和性能评估。 我们提供研究所有数据并与竞争模型进行比较。 AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 模型的基本时钟速度为 3.80 GHz,内核总数为 12。 处理器支持 DDR4-3200 并安装在主板上的插槽 AM4 上。 AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 的估计 TDP 为 105 W。
Real tests AMD Ryzen 9 3900X
Cinebench R23 (Single-Core)
Cinebench R23 is the successor of Cinebench R20 and is also based on the Cinema 4 Suite
Cinebench R23 (Multi-Core)
Cinebench is one of the most popular benchmarks for evaluating CPU performance on a PC
Cinebench R20 (Single-Core)
This is a database of Cinebench R20 Scores, including both Single-Core as well as multi-core benchmarks, for a massive list of CPU's
Cinebench R20 (Multi-Core)
Cinebench R20 (Multi-Core) CPU benchmark list
Cinebench R15 (Single-Core)
Cinebench R15 is the successor of Cinebench 11
Cinebench R15 (Multi-Core)
Cinebench R15 can be used for multi-core processor performance benchmark testing
Geekbench 5, 64bit (Single-Core)
A while ago, there was no competition on the computer processors market
Geekbench 5, 64bit (Multi-Core)
Geekbench 5 is a cross plattform benchmark that heavily uses the systems memory
Blender 2.81 (bmw27)
Quickly create a new quad mesh based on the volume of the mesh
Estimated results for PassMark CPU Mark
The CPUmark value is a measure of the CPU's performance
Complete list of technical specifications
CPU 世代和家族 - 不同世代的处理器之间有什么区别

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AMD Ryzen 9 3900X